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Transport and Logistics

Stay a reliable partner for your customers, using effective Onyma solutions for transport and logistics. Evaluate the power of modern technology, which will allow you to concentrate on the main issue - delivery of cargos on time and exceeding customer expectations. Learn of the way to make your business even more effective already today!

Speed and quality of service delivery play a key role in transport and logistics. To ensure the best conditions in the market, the company needs to optimize to the maximum its internal processes and automate the operations that do not require human participation. Due to the flexibility of the solutions based on the Onyma xRM platform, this is not difficult.

Providing the whole complex of interaction with end customers and supporting the exchange of data with other IT solutions of the company, Onyma xRM allows optimizing the infrastructure costs, improving the speed and quality of customer service, and analyzing and building forecasts to continuously improve the efficiency of all sub-units.

Functionality of Onyma solutions for transport and logistics

Создание единого информационного пространства

Creation of a single information space

Сбор заявок из любых каналов и их автоматическая обработка

Collection of applications from any channels and their automatic processing

Управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами

Customer Relationship Management

Единая база перевозчиков и управление собственным автопарком

Single database of carriers and own fleet management

Мониторинг и оптимизация маршрутов

Monitoring and optimization of routes

Биллинг полного цикла

Full cycle billing

Прием платежей

Receipt of payments

Автоматизация документооборота

Automation of workflow

Поддержка уникальных бизнес-процессов

Support for unique business processes

Возможность мониторинга различных датчиков (уровень топлива, температура в контейнере и т.д.);

The possibility of monitoring various detectors (fuel level, temperature in the container, etc.);

Оперативная и аналитическая отчетность

Operational and analytical reporting

Onyma xRM has been successfully implemented and used to automate the work of toll road operators, for example, on the federal highway M4 "Don", the Moscow-St. Petersburg M11 highway and the Western Speed Diameter of St. Petersburg.

Providing operators with an opportunity to interact with customers in a comprehensive manner, the open architecture of the Onyma platform also allows effective solution of the following tasks.

Выпуск и обслуживание электронных средств оплаты (транспондеры и бесконтактные карты)

Issue and servicing of electronic means of payment (transponders and contactless cards)

Начисление платы за проезд и прием платежей (включая контроль полноты и непротиворечивости сбора платы)

Charging of payment for travel and acceptance of payments (including control of completeness and consistency of fee collection)

Выставление счетов и формирование финансовой отчетности

Invoicing and preparation of financial statements

Обеспечение работы операторов в точках продаж

Ensuring the work of operators at points of sale

Самообслуживание пользователей с использованием личного кабинета и мобильного приложения.

Self-service users using a personal account and a mobile application.

Unique technological capabilities of Onyma solutions allowed creating the first in Russia system of charging for a precisely calculated distance from the point of entry to the toll road to the point of exit. The flexibility of the Onyma xRM platform also manifests itself in the ability to easily and quickly adapt the solution to the dynamically changing market conditions, ensuring your company’s leadership in its segment and reaching new heights. Are you looking for the best solution for your unique tasks? We are ready to take the challenge!

Onyma solutions are created and supported by a team of professionals experienced in implementing complex IT projects in the telecommunications and transport industries, in the area of housing and utilities and energy, as well as other industries in enterprises with complex business processes and high requirements to the level of services.

Use all the advantages of both a flexible and functional solution on the Onyma xRM platform, as well as the competence of CJSC "Stack Soft" specialists in the field of automation of transport and logistics companies for the optimal solution of the actual tasks of your company.




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