About us
JSC "Stack Soft" was established in July 2001. It is the software developer that represented on the market under the trademark Onyma®. The company specializes in the development, implementation and maintenance of automation and information support systems of any complexity for businesses in various sectors of the economy.
The unique development platform of Onyma xRM with open architecture makes it possible to use on its basis an individual approach to creating solutions in full compliance with all specific features of customer companies.
The Onyma product line is represented on the market by the following products
Onyma CRM
Onyma Billing
Onyma BPM
Onyma BI
JSC "Stack Soft" is consistently developing the Onyma product line, following the latest trends in business automation, and maintains the highest level of professionalism of the personnel – the foundation of the company's success.
JSC "Stack Soft" is a member of public and state associations: the TM Forum (Tele Management Forum), the Public Association "Documentary Telecommunications Association", the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Association of Software Developers "Domestic Soft".

TM Forum is an industry non-profit association that unites telecommunications companies and their suppliers with the goal of developing standards, recommendations and models for information technologies in the telecommunications industry.

The public association "Association of Documentary Telecommunications" is the legal successor of the public association "Association of Documentary Telecommunications", established on August 30, 1994 on the initiative of the Ministry of Communications of Russia.

The Association of Software Developers "Domestic Soft" is the largest association of Russian software producers. We are consolidating market players to work together on key issues in the development of the IT industry. The Association was established in 2009 by the largest Russian developers. Currently, the ARPP "Domestic Soft" includes about 140 companies.

TM Forum is an industry non-profit association that unites telecommunications companies and their suppliers with the goal of developing standards, recommendations and models for information technologies in the telecommunications industry.
Onyma software is used by more than 80 customers in 7 countries, including: Rostelecom, Megafon, MTT, TransTeleCom, Data Center Stack